Girls need Girl Scouts more than ever before, and Girl Scouts of San Jacinto wants the best for both our girls and adults. We want to make sure that more girls can join Girl Scouts and be placed into a troop. Based on feedback from girls, parents and volunteers, beginning in the fall of 2019 any troops with less than 12 girls will automatically have any unfilled girl spots displayed online to meet a 12-girl troop minimum.
GSUSA research shows troop leaders with 12 girls or more have better meeting and activity attendance; games and team building activities are more fun and troops enjoy a diversity of ideas, personalities, and voices. Troops with at least 12 girls have more potential adults to help with safety ratios, fill troop committee positions and assist with activities.
These troops have more success with girl leadership because there are enough girls to create patrols or dividing into groups to plan troop activities. Lastly, troop leaders of 12-girl troops report higher satisfaction overall in their troop leadership experience because their time and effort impact more girls.
If your troop has less than 12 girls and wishes to opt-out of being displayed in the online opportunity list, please complete the below form.